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Moher Majesty

Observations of the Cliffs of Moher

God as the Sea

The green grass clung to sides of the grey and red cliffs as if it were trying to become them. And the seagulls rose and dove with the currents of the wind, whilst the current of the ocean crashed emerald blue water upon the cliffs. The cry of the seagulls mixes with the roar of the waves, creating a beautiful melodic cacophony of sound that is somehow peaceful. The occasional bird chip accenting the music. And the cliffs looked at the sea and the sea looked back and said, “You may be strong, but I am stronger, and I will wear down your walls and tumble your rocks, yet you do not submit. So I tell you to submit to my power! For when you do, you will realize that we are partners of time and the consistency of our battle will become a dance. And our dance will be harmonious, lasting, and remain dependable. 

We are cliffs. God is the sea. We may try to battle Him, but we will only lose. So we submit, and find a beautiful, constant partnership.

God as the Cliffs

These cliffs are a sheer drop into the sea, deadly but majestic and beautiful. The calls of the seagulls and the crashing of the waves all accent the majesty and power in them. And the seagulls flying to and from show the immensity of the cliffs. And when you turn your gaze into the sea, to where the sea melts into the sky, you realize that what you see is only a fraction of the immensity, power, and majesty of God. Only an atom, only half an atom. And He has gifted us so greatly by showing us this small fraction of himself, of His works, of His art.

And so, the castle that sits atop the cliffs is small and underwhelming, but it depends on the cliffs and their strength, and it looks to the sea for its enemies in which the cliffs will save it from.

We are the castle. God is the cliffs. He is our protector.

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